Duke Chung

Team TravelBank is here to help you whether that’s by automating your expense reports or booking your next business trip. Have a question for us? You can send us an email at support@travelbank.com or tweet us at @TravelBankHQ.

Articles by Duke Chung

Automation Is Taking Over the Expense Report and That’s Okay

Automation remains pivotal in boosting productivity, enhancing efficiency and enriching our everyday lives across different sectors. When routine processes are automated, many laborious and tedious tasks can move off the to-do lists for some workers, leading to more time for activities that require a deeper level of focus. One area where automation tools have proven […]

10 Shifts In Business Travel Expenses

The future of how we travel, do business, go to work, make payments and navigate the digital world is changing each day. Here are 10 shifts in business travel expenses that CFOs and treasurers should prepare for.  Some are already here. >> Related: Business Travel Trends in 2023 << 1. Employees expect amazing digital experiences […]

Payments is Changing the Role of TMCs

The needs of businesses Are driving innovation.

Announcing Altitude: A Global Gathering for the TravelBank Community

We are proud to announce Altitude, an invite-only, global gathering.

9 Business Travel Trends for 2018

In 2018, advances in AI and machine learning, as well as changes in traveler behavior will continue to reshape the business travel industry.

Fly to Summit Series LA with TravelBank!

Today, we are happy to announce that TravelBank is the exclusive travel booking partner for Summit LA17, this year’s flagship Summit event.