Office Hours Series

CSM Office Hours On-Demand

Welcome to our library of recordings from our Office Hours series, hosted by our Customer Success Managers. These sessions are designed to help you get the most out of TravelBank. Centered around a theme, each session shares best practices and a 20-30 minute demo.

clock 45 minutes

3 Common Pain Points with T&E Management

This year, we commissioned Forrester Consulting to study the ROI our customers achieve using TravelBank.In this deep dive, Duke, Connor, and Dan discuss the problems that plague T&E management and how TravelBank helped relieve them to unlock greater efficiency, a better user experience, and major cost savings to the tune of $482k.

Duke Chung, CEO and Co-Founder
Dan Skaggs, Head of Product
Connor Lawrence, Director of Customer Success

Watch Past Office Hours On-Demand

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