The Nine Most Common TravelBank Reports
In a survey of almost 2,400 Finance leaders across different industries, we found business travel expenses remain one of the most difficult costs to control. In these nine most common TravelBank reports used by our 20,000 customer organizations, you can answer deep-dive questions, like:
- Who are the most expensive or common vendors across airfare, lodging, or software?
- Who are the highest spenders, and how timely are their expense submissions?
- Is employee compliance with the booking platform changing over time?
>> Related: Sample T&E Dashboards for Proactively Monitoring Compliance, Budget, and Anomalies <<
Flight Bookings Report

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In this report: Track traveler information and trip details, including:
- how far in advance flights are booked
- the length of each trip, change fees
- how flight prices compare to budgets
- receipts are directly linked
Hotel Bookings Report

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In this report:
- monitor trip details including duration, change fees
- how hotel bookings compare to budgets
- receipts are directly linked
Car Bookings Report

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In this report: Monitor rental information, including:
- how far in advance rental cars are booked
- the length of each trip
- see holistic spending across each merchant
Total Reimbursed Report

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In this report:
- see all reimbursements by their currency code, converted amount, and expense category
- customize with additional fields, including: employee name, customer name, department, description, mileage, receipt links, reimbursement status, expense type (i.e. mileage vs. receipt), or custom fields defined by your organization
Total Travel Transactions Report

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In this report:
- see all hotel and flight transactions, including refunds and trip descriptions
- if there is a major air travel disruption, travel managers or HR can find every flight booking number at a glance
Total Reports Approved by Finance

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In this report:
- measure how quickly expense reports are submitted, approved, and reimbursed
- immediately identify the approver
Credit Card Reconciliation Report

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In this report:
- See transaction costs and dates across all users and merchants
- See expenses before reports are created and/or submitted
All Expenses Report

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In this report: See every expense, including if it’s reimbursable or billable
Reports Created but not Submitted (Accrual)

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In this report:
- quickly accrue future travel and expenses by department
- see which reports are drafted, but not yet submitted